News and Announcements
writer's block
Writer’s Block: Gliffen Designs Now Does Content Writing!
December 22, 2016
Writer’s block is a pain. We have a potential cure. Gliffen Designs is happy to announce that we will now be providing content writing as one of the many services in our arsenal. Adding the meat to the site can be just as challenging as writing the code for the site to work. We get […]...
Reviewing Google Analytics
Reviewing Google Analytics-Great Reports to Check
December 16, 2016
In addition to learning about Google Adwords, I have been reviewing Google Analytics for a handful of sites to get an idea of how to optimize both ads and website pages for our clients. Since I’m new to this feature, I googled some articles on how to get the most from Google Analytics and found […]...
surviving the holidays
A Survival Guide to the Holidays
December 13, 2016
Holiday season stressing you out? Don’t let it get you down! With this well-researched guide, you can not only survive the holidays, you can thoroughly enjoy them! Disclaimer: For 100% effectiveness, be sure to have a designated driver and drink responsibly. Ibuprofen for the next day is also highly recommended....
google adwords
A Google Adwords Marketing Campaign-How to do it right!
December 9, 2016
As a new member of the Gliffen team, I’ve been learning how to use Google Adwords to set up a marketing campaign for some of our clients. I  found an interesting read on common mistakes made when setting them up and wanted to share it. Kissmetrics Blog suggests that a poorly managed campaign on Adwords can result in […]...
Use Pinterest to Identify You
November 29, 2016
Use Pinterest to decide who you are! Who you are and who do you want to be is a mystery to us. Maybe you could give us some clues…try to use Pinterest?! One of our graphic designers recently had a client provide her with a Pinterest board of the client’s interests and likes to help […]...
Graphic Design Principles: What’s in your design?
November 18, 2016
Graphic Design Principles I decided to google some overall graphic design principles for my own education. I found this article by Bakari Chavanu that reviews a book by Robin Williams “The Non-Designer’s Design Book” and outlines some of her basic graphic design principles we see every day. One principle is proximity. The idea is that […]...
market your website
We Want Traffic!? 10 top marketing channels.
November 1, 2016
10 Techniques to Market Your Website Most people do not like traffic. But when we are talking about your website, you want as much traffic as possible to promote your business. Here are many of the ways that you can market your website. Search Engine Optimization: To start, you want good keywords. Relevant keywords will […]...
Memory Lane
October 25, 2016
Memory Lane We decided to take a little trip down memory lane! We will occasionally be posting photos of our websites before and after. It’s amazing how far these websites have come over the years! Below are two pictures of Jackson Hole Reservations. The first is an image of the website from October, 2003 ( and […]...
improve SEO
Improve SEO
October 21, 2016
Improve SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be challenging. Who doesn’t want to be at the top of the list? Having the right content, using the right words, and being unique to improve SEO is not quite rocket science, but it’s close. Daniel Louis, in his article “13 Ways to Immediately Improve Your SEO”, gives […]...
web advertisement
Web Advertisement: NPR interviews Tim Wu, advertising specialist
October 18, 2016
Web Advertisement has become more pervasive and invasive than ever before As web designers and consultants for entrepreneurs, we find this interview on web advertisement very interesting. Tim Wu specializes in advertising and talks about current trends, especially with large conglomerates . It speaks to our desire to market the most effective for our clients […]...
Responsive Design
October 14, 2016
Responsive Design With an increase in the use of mobile devices to access the internet, it’s crucial to have a responsive design for your website. By having large and smaller screen designs of your website, you can ensure that your client’s experience is maximized wherever they are. Jake Rocheleau, in his blog “How to Plan […]...
Engaging Websites
October 11, 2016
Engaging Websites In the article “10 Well-Known Tips & Tricks to Create Feature-Rich Websites”,  (found online at Jason Larue’s Article), Jason Larue excels at outlining what new business owners should consider when developing representative and engaging websites. He suggests that a website needs to provide the user with a effortless, yet inspiring experience. Creating a […]...
Blogging 101
September 28, 2016
Introduction to Blogging with Central Wyoming College in Jackson, Wyoming Stephen Fetters teaches the class “Introduction to Blogging” with Central Wyoming College in Jackson, Wyoming.  He teaches this class to entrepreneurs and to the individual personal blogger. He’ll go over all the basics of blogging from choosing your audience, deciding what to write about, finding […]...
Choosing a Website Layout
September 27, 2016
Designing a Successful Website Layout Joshua Johnson outlines 10 website layouts that are used frequently throughout the web. These designs provide clean, professional looks while allowing the user to display as much content and images as needed. While these by no means are all the designs available, they do provide you with some ideas of […]...