We Want Traffic!? 10 top marketing channels.

10 Techniques to Market Your Website

Most people do not like traffic. But when we are talking about your website, you want as much traffic as possible to promote your business. Here are many of the ways that you can market your website.

  1. Search Engine Optimization: To start, you want good keywords. Relevant keywords will increase your rank on the search engine and thus increase traffic. It’s important to have different keywords pertinent to the page. You also want to strive for unique words to stand out in the crowd.
  2. Blogging:  Blogging is another useful way to market your website. Providing valuable information to your clients increases the value of your website. As they share the information you provide, you will have more visitors your site and you can create more buzz.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Word of mouth through social media works to market your website. Not only can you provide links to your blogs, but you can share information about promotions or new products you are selling. Social media is a popular place to gain information and what better way to market your site.
  4. Backlink Building: Back linking is when another website puts an outbound link to your website. While you can not force people to put links to your site on theirs, you can make the information you provide on your website engaging and noteworthy to encourage this. This was formerly how sites earned higher rankings for SEO but this has since changed.
  5. Search Engine Marketing: Search marketing is yet another effective means for marketing your website. By purchasing ads on search engine websites or within the right and top columns of a search engine’s results, you can easily reach those who may be interested in your site. Google Adwords and Bing Ads, are two recognized forms of paid advertising on results pages. Yahoo and AOL are both search engines that allow market on the main page. market your website
  6. Display Marketing: Display marketing is marketing that is displayed on a webpage and usually includes audio and either video or images. The marketing is displayed in many forms, one common form being banners that pop up from the top or side.
  7. Remarketing: Ever noticed how you get advertisements for Toyota cars long after you left the Toyota dealership website? Toyota uses remarketing. Re-marketing is another effective way to market your website. On your website, you would install a re-market tool. Visitors who come to your web will continue to see advertisements for your website while they are on partner companies of your search engine. Google Adwords has a marketing plan that includes remarketing.
  8. Email Marketing: Email marketing is another way to market your website. While this technique may be inexpensive and a little time-consuming, it can be an effective way of keeping brand awareness. Just be careful not to send too much or you will end up in the spam box.
  9. Print Marketing: A large category of marketing can occur offline. Offline marketing include anything from flyers to newspaper ads, and logos posted on cars to billboards. Offline marketing is any kind of marketing that does not occur on the internet. If you do consider offline marketing, use QR codes in print can make it easy for smartphone owners to easily access your website.
  10. Word of Mouth: Lastly, we have something called sphere of influence. Market your website easily by asking your friends to refer it out. Furthermore, you can ask that clients put in a good word for you with their friends. By networking, you can market your website at a relatively inexpensive cost.

If you would like to get some more information about how to market your website, you can visit this page Search Engine Watch or you can contact us at Gliffen at 307-200-8999. We would be more than happy to teach you how to market your website!