News and Announcements
A Website is a Website is a Website… But is it?
May 9, 2022
How many of us out there have a friend, family member, neighbor or co-worker that have told you they could build you a website to get your business started only to have them hand over to you the keys to your brand new website… that looks like a pinto with a bow wrapped around it… […]...
Social Media for Scaling Business
May 3, 2022
Two decades ago we never used an online platform as much as we do now for advertising our businesses and products. This said, social media is now the place to advertise and bring your business to the world. Honestly it doesn’t matter if you’re only looking to advertise or market to your local or regional […]...
Cookie Cutter vs Custom software date base solutions
Selecting a Database Solution: Cookie Vs Custom
April 27, 2022
Businesses need different workflow systems for different industries and services; processing sales, managing property or maintaining public records. It is clear that software is needed to maintain workflows of all types, the question comes down to which one is best?
Google Ads vs Ads express
Google Ads Vs Ads Express
February 23, 2022
An article to explain the differences between Google AdWords Express and hiring a Google Ads expert
Common Cybersecurity Mistakes Business Owners Should Avoid
June 24, 2021
Cyber attacks on your business can cost you valuable time and money. A data breach may further result in sensitive information being leaked, potentially jeopardizing proprietary company information or private client details. As a small or medium-sized business owner, you want to do all you can to prevent such issues. Read on to learn about […]...
Ramping Your Business Up for Summer
March 12, 2021
This summer is expected to see a boom of people traveling and getting out of their homes as COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues to create optimism of a return to normalcy. Summer will be here before you know it, and handling certain aspects of your business can fall by the wayside once the warmer weather is […]...
FAQs to Help Stay-at-Home Parents Get Started With an E-Commerce Business
January 4, 2021
If you’re a stay-at-home parent looking for an easy way to generate extra income, you should think about setting up an e-commerce business. E-commerce sites are pretty easy to manage from the comfort of your own home and on your own timeline. That last perk can be a big benefit for busy parents. So if […]...
Top 5 New Year Resolutions for Your Business in 2021
December 17, 2020
This year: Twenty Twenty-one is a rather anticipated year for us all. With a new year ahead it is a “clean-slate” to get this right. Look, no one could have possibly anticipated a global pandemic was in store for us this year and with it the impact of your businesses. We’ve learned a lot about […]...
Marketing with Linktree
September 29, 2020
Free or Pro? Linktree has two tiers – a free version and a paid monthly subscription. The free version includes features like basic theme customization of your profile, and link click statistics (so you can view how many people have clicked your links).  Linktree PRO is $6USD a month and gives you access to many […]...
Gliffen in the Time of COVID-19
September 25, 2020
It’s now September 2020 and life has changed SO much for everyone all over the globe. The Gliffen team has been fortunate in being able to work remotely both in Jackson, Wyoming and in Louisville, Colorado. With Google Meet calls, emails and phone chats to discuss projects and checking on one another daily has seemed […]...
Whether Building or Buying Your Dream Home, Create the Home Office You Deserve
March 5, 2020
Are you considering building or buying the perfect home for your dream home office? Your one-bedroom apartment was a great starter location, but as you’ve grown your business into a successful enterprise, you may ultimately need more space to have a dedicated office that will help you expand your business. Here’s what you need to […]...
Gliffen Riffin’ II
September 9, 2019
We wanted to revisit this Gliffen playlist because let’s face it we could all use some new music to inspire our lives both at work and at play. Heather, Aj, Andy, Corey and Kelsey shared their favorite tunes they are currently listening to. If you typically walk past Corey’s desk you’ll hear spa music because […]...
Google Ads
Google Ads 101
January 17, 2019
Understanding Google Adwords from a marketing expert Andy Huber, Gliffen’s resident marketing expert, recently gave an open workshop about Google Ads for the public. We’ve compiled the extensive notes to aid your decision on whether or not Google Ads is the right decision for your company. Andy is a great resource to answer any questions […]...
Http vs https lock icon
Is Your Website Secure?
September 20, 2018
Google (and all those other Search Engines) smiles upon business/organizations that have a secured website. Because Google’s algorithm has security as their top priority and they use secure sites as a search engine ranking signal. It’s the best practice to apply to your website’s domain. If your website is which means it ‘s not considered a secure […]...