News and Announcements

Social Media for Business | What’s Right for Me in 2023?
January 19, 2023
It’s no mystery, social media is now, and has been, a concrete part of almost all businesses today. For those that take part in online marketing, there are always many questions from which platforms do I put my material on to how many times should I post to, what should I post? All great questions, […]...

How a Content Strategy Can Help You Stand Out
November 28, 2022
A content strategy is just as important as the content itself. Goals need to be clear so that everything published is a step in the direction of said goals.

October 19, 2022
Digital Marketing is an absolute requirement for a business to be successful. Small businesses starting out need it to be found

Advertising vs Posting on Social Media
September 25, 2022
Advertising is a paid channel that takes advantage of social media platforms; It’s what businesses do to reach new customers. Posting is when an individual uses social media for personal purposes, those personal posts might benefit their business

Website Maintenance
August 26, 2022
. Websites require routine maintenance, anything made by a
person needs to be maintained by a person. Building your website and neglecting to perform
routine maintenance can lead to a list of problems and to make matters worse, those problems
can arise without you ever knowing

Goodbye Universal Analytics, Hello Google Analytics 4
June 21, 2022
Exciting news, Google analytics 4 is here! Underneath your uncontrollable enthusiasm for this update you may be wondering “What is google Analytics 4? And how does this affect me?” Both are great questions. What is Google Analytics 4 Google Analytics 4, also known as GA4 is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks […]...

Social Media Comments | To Reply or Not Reply, That is the Question
May 16, 2022
Marketing on social media is great for most industries and a must for others. An unexpected question that most businesses run into if their marketing efforts are going well is, “should I reply to comments or messages?”. Firstly, this is a good problem to have, this means that your audience is engaging in your social […]...

A Website is a Website is a Website… But is it?
May 9, 2022
How many of us out there have a friend, family member, neighbor or co-worker that have told you they could build you a website to get your business started only to have them hand over to you the keys to your brand new website… that looks like a pinto with a bow wrapped around it… […]...

Social Media for Scaling Business
May 3, 2022
Two decades ago we never used an online platform as much as we do now for advertising our businesses and products. This said, social media is now the place to advertise and bring your business to the world. Honestly it doesn’t matter if you’re only looking to advertise or market to your local or regional […]...

Selecting a Database Solution: Cookie Vs Custom
April 27, 2022
Businesses need different workflow systems for different industries and services; processing sales, managing property or maintaining public records. It is clear that software is needed to maintain workflows of all types, the question comes down to which one is best?

Google Ads Vs Ads Express
February 23, 2022
An article to explain the differences between Google AdWords Express and hiring a Google Ads expert

Common Cybersecurity Mistakes Business Owners Should Avoid
June 24, 2021
Cyber attacks on your business can cost you valuable time and money. A data breach may further result in sensitive information being leaked, potentially jeopardizing proprietary company information or private client details. As a small or medium-sized business owner, you want to do all you can to prevent such issues. Read on to learn about […]...

Ramping Your Business Up for Summer
March 12, 2021
This summer is expected to see a boom of people traveling and getting out of their homes as COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues to create optimism of a return to normalcy. Summer will be here before you know it, and handling certain aspects of your business can fall by the wayside once the warmer weather is […]...

FAQs to Help Stay-at-Home Parents Get Started With an E-Commerce Business
January 4, 2021
If you’re a stay-at-home parent looking for an easy way to generate extra income, you should think about setting up an e-commerce business. E-commerce sites are pretty easy to manage from the comfort of your own home and on your own timeline. That last perk can be a big benefit for busy parents. So if […]...