Two decades ago we never used an online platform as much as we do now for advertising our businesses and products. This said, social media is now the place to advertise and bring your business to the world. Honestly it doesn’t matter if you’re only looking to advertise or market to your local or regional area. The ability to target your market has expanded beyond this but has also gained the ability to assign your ads to a micro/macro audience near your store or workshop. If you’re just getting into marketing or your very own business. These tips will help you decide where to get started.

Know When to Hold’em | Know When to Fold’em
Let’s imagine it’s just you, a workbench or maybe a garage, and a dream. This is not far from where a lot of businesses get started. Amazon for one is a fantastic example of this having started out of a garage and expanded to where it is. But let’s examine the title of this section. When starting out, some folks know exactly what they need to be doing to facilitate a healthy online presence and there are those that have a good idea and just kind of ignore that part till they come to it. For those that know what’s up, they tend to hold there own until they need help. That’s when they get in touch with companies like, Gliffen Designs, to manage, brainstorm and compartmentalize their social campaigns. For those that think they have a good idea of what it takes but find out very quickly that running social media for a business is a lot more work than they thought, it would be time to fold’em. That said, know before you go. If you understand that social media and PPC advertising (Google Ads), are the way to go but you don’t have either the time or experience to handle them then, hire ahead of time. Make that part of your business plan to plan for success with your branding and marketing. Your first impression is certainly your lasting one.
Look | Style | Feel
Picking up from our last point, that first impression truly makes an impact. Whether or not it’s a good one is kind of up to you. It really doesn’t matter what your product is necessarily, what really matters is how you show it to the world. Now a days we have the fortunate ability to have smart phones with good cameras and apps that allow us to make them snap and pop or just simply stand out from the pack. When you’re just starting out, this is an amazing tool you can use to get some great shots of your product or service. It would benefit you greatly to practice and try to mimic others that are successful within the industry you’re breaking into. Sure, it’s your spin on it and that’s the point. Show what you have in a way that shows the difference either in your product or service or the difference your simply trying to make with say your artwork. Branding is a big part of a successful business. Hiring a marketing and design agency like Gliffen allows you to sit back and concentrate on those areas you need.
Keeping It Going
It’s been 6 months and your business is starting to really take hold. Up until now you’ve been doing all of the marketing, all of the picture taking, all of the content writing, it’s been you, just you and you… are tired. Keeping things moving may not be that difficult in the beginning but at some point in time, even though we want to, we can’t do it all. Your brands momentum is everything. Whatever direction you take your marketing and how you portray your products and services is the direction you take your brand. Once that becomes too daunting of a task, it’s time to bring in the big guns and the management team. Marketing and design companies like, Gliffen Designs, make life so much easier with a team of professionals to aid in your success. Once you have a dedicated team in place to help support your brand via your direction, you’ve solidified your ability to keep it going, and without the headaches too.