It’s no mystery, social media is now, and has been, a concrete part of almost all businesses today. For those that take part in online marketing, there are always many questions from which platforms do I put my material on to how many times should I post to, what should I post? All great questions, we’ve got some answers.
Which Social Platform is Right for My Business
One of the questions that is always at the top of the list for most is exactly that, what social media do I engage in? Well, the first thing you do is categorize your business. Are you a service? Do you sell merchandise? Who is your audience? What age group is likely to purchase your product or use your services? Once your find your answers, ask yourself, what social platform does your audience reside on? What’s the one, or the several, platform(s) you should put your content and advertise?
With the answers to these questions and questions like them, you’ll narrow down who your audience is and where they are when it comes to social media platforms. The next step from here is to figure out how to display your product or services. The looks of your marketing and how it translates to your audience is very important. If your food comes out, and it doesn’t look good… do you eat it? or do you send it back?

First Impression Lasting Impression
One thing most business owners don’t ever want to do is fork out more money for things let alone marketing but there is a hard reality to this that most think they can handle themselves but ultimately fail in the end and sometimes, this becomes the demise of their brand. Making great content takes great content creators. To make a great cheeseburger, you have to know what you’re doing. A lot of business owners believe they can do their own marketing and they’ll be just fine. And usually this decision is based upon money and profits. There are those that can certainly handle their own but that’s not everyone.
It’s important to take into consideration everything about your marketing from the way you take your photographs to the type of energy you put into your brand. All of this translates to your customers and will certainly drive the energy of your shoppers. Excellent content creators don’t have to cost you your entire life’s savings but certainly can make a life changing impact with the success of your brand.
Have a Plan, Make a Plan, Stay Successful
Now that you have an idea of who your audience is, where that audience is online and how you want to display your brand and market your products, it’s on to the next step. You need to take some time to make a marketing plan. Have a newsletter? How often do you send it? When do you send it, what day of the week, what time of the day? What do you put it in? These questions and more also go into your social media strategy. Having a plan helps you stay on track and staying on track helps you keep moving forward. The worst thing you can do is start your social media marketing and then just let it die off or become stale.
This is also where having a social media manager, or social media service, for your business can be important. Again, these things don’t have to be expensive but they can make a world of difference for your and your business. Gliffen Designs has affordable marketing services that make a worldly impact without breaking the bank. With measurable analytics for online ad campaigns and professional graphic design, we can scale marketing to match your needs and the flow of your sales.
Listen to Your Feedback | Love Your Audience
It’s not always easy to hear feedback from your audience. We often times have great intentions and they don’t always hit the mark. But that’s ok, that’s part of the game. The better you can create your content and interact with your audience the better you can maintain your brand. You’re not going to be able to please everyone, that’s never possible but you can certainly offer the best product or services that you can and have a dedicated team, or individual, assigned to communicate directly with your audience. Notice how we didn’t say to your audience…
Hiring services like that of Gliffen Designs will help you stay on top of your online game and in front of your audience. Having this type of help allows you, the business owner, to concentrate on other important tasks as well as delegate tasks versus taking them on yourself and getting overwhelmed. Having extra eyes on your brand will also allow for marketing expansion. New ideas from expert content creators based off of feedback and analytics taken from your marketing in an effort to tweak things and stay on task for your brand and mission.