Content Writing
Relevant Content is valuable for getting your audience’s attention and teaching them about what sets you apart from your competitors. But content writing can be tough and writer’s block can strike at any time. Whether it is for your various web pages, a blog to draw in relevant traffic, or an advertising copy, our content writers have you covered. Quality content will increase brand awareness, increase frequency and quality of leads and will help you rank better on Google search engines.
Website Content
Website launches are often delayed due to indecision about what content to put on the site. To ensure meeting launch deadlines, Gliffen Designs provides content writing for our client’s websites.
Our writers at Gliffen Designs will meet face to face with clients to gather information about the company and the services they provide. Following these conversations, a draft of the content will be shared with the client and changes will be made as needed. Additional information for the website will be gathered from a plethora of resources.
Our writers pride themselves on using excellent writing mechanics and will review the content to make sure it is accurate. Content writing will be directed by our clients, ensuring that it matches their needs. Since Gliffen Designs creates user-friendly (often WordPress-based) websites, the content can be changed and edited as needed.
Blog Writing
Having fresh blog content on your website is crucial for your business to connect with potential clients or customers; it boosts your site’s SEO if your content is valuable. Although the blog’s home is on your website it can serve as social media content as well by sharing the link and directing users from Facebook or other social media outlets to your website.
Aside from driving traffic to your site, having a blog can give your company a voice or a personality if you will and it can show off your expertise through showcasing work. We know that running a business is taxing enough as is and you may not have time to write about it, which is why we are here to help!
Types of Content
Our team is experienced in creating content for email newsletters, digital or print fliers, and website banner ads. Our writers are fully capable of providing you with the copy necessary to get the point across in your advertisements.
Written articles on a blog or brief passages on a page are the most common forms of content creation, but not the only form. There are many forms of content that are used depending on the objective and audience in question. Here are a few examples.
- Cartoons or comic strips are very popular and often get a lot of attention. The goal is usually to address a specific topic in a clever and entertaining way, and still convey a message that the reader will remember or take action on.
- Pictures are eye-catching and should go with almost every article. People are likely to remember something they read if they can associate it with an image.
- Statistics in an eye catching image or graph. this is very helpful when you are aiming to share information that is surprising or counterintuitive.
- Short notable quotes. People love a snippet of inspirational quotes, when used correctly your audience will respond well to this.
Our team of graphic designers and content writers can create eye-catching relevant content for your business. Contact us to learn more or check out our blog for examples of content we’ve created.