
pinterestPinterest skyrocketed into the top ten most visited social networks of the past year and continually gains popularity. This platform is image-based is a simple enough concept, users create and name Boards anything they desire (Places I’d Like to Visit, Cute Things, Food, etc.) and posting relevant photos/videos on that corresponding Board. Users follow each other based on interests, and photos are displayed in a pin board-type feed that is simple, clean, and visually appealing.

At first glance, Pinterest looks like just another way to share interests like Facebook or Twitter, yet this platform can be utilized for brands and companies advantage.
Projects that are in the works can be shared with the public or made private to share only amongst the clients. Sharing elements from all over can be put into this platform makes it easier to get ideas across.
Your consumers want to share their pins with others, with Pinterest’s commenting ability it’s an ideal platform to introduce new products and gather firsthand opinions. Brand managers can gather information on a particular product and decide on whether they should move forward with mass production. Pinterest is a social media focus group of sorts.
Although Pinterest is image-based platform, it allows for links back to it’s source and the ability to play videos from the site as well. It’s overall a friendly platform for sharing.
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