Serving our fellow Local Businesses

We strive to serve our fellow local businesses in the valley and we know just how to help. We provide a service that will help expand your businesses web presence through your initial website, and depending on the services your business provides — social networking and blogging can be the way to go!

Before I moved out to Jackson, I did a lot of research of the surrounding area and I noticed that there were a handful of businesses that didn’t have a web presence at all, but then quite a few that had a nice grasp of it, like XOWYO for insistence. They have a blog they update often with highlights on new projects they’ve worked on. They also maintain a Facebook page that keeps their customers updated on imperative information about them and what they are busy working on. This also allows for their customers to interact with them through comments and “Likes.” It’s a great example of a local business that has made their web presence known and maintains its integrity!
Since technology has such an impact on the majority of our lives, we like to encourage businesses (where applicable) to interact with their customers on a technological standpoint — being an effective way to maintain their businesses presence.
Contact us at 307-200-8999 to start your business off right.